GTE / Why GTE? / Case Studies / 2 M5 Frame 6B Gas Turbines & EcoValue™ 400i Water Wash System


GTE installed its technology at a combined cycle plant located in Thailand, positioned near sea level in a high humidity and pollution laden environment. The plant had been practicing conventional low pressure offline wash cycles, approximately every 1000 hours, due to continued rapid gas turbine output degradation.


The operational need to reduce the outage duration for offline washing motivated the plant to investigate other options. Plant Operations and GTE discussed design specific parameters offered by GTE’s EcoValue™ Water Wash System. The GTE 400i water wash system is designed for online and offline applications and is OEM approved. The unit operates using demineralized water and environmentally friendly additives. The water wash system delivery volume is based on the gas turbine compressor mass flow rate and delivered along patented criteria.


The GTE 400i water wash systems were successfully commissioned on both turbines. Performance data was collected before and after the install of the GTE water wash system. The results from the daily online wash program showed a reduction in decay rate and extended length of time between offline washes.


The payback period for this customer was less than two months of operation. There was an increase in fuel efficiency, up to 2.1 precent recovery in output and the plant was able to control operating costs by reducing outages needed for offline washing. In addition, there was a reduction in emissions by the improved heat rate.



Located in Thailand is a combined cycle plant positioned near sea level in a high humidity and a pollution laden environment. The plant had been practicing conventional low pressure offline wash cycles. Overall performance monitoring illustrated continued rapid gas turbine output degradation , forcing an offline wash frequency of approximately every 1000 hours. The operational need to reduce the outage for offline washing motivated plant staff to investigate other options.



An initial meeting between GTE and Plant Operations facilitated discussions for further detail and design specific parameters offered by GTE’s EcoValue™ Water Wash System. GTE further explained why its system outperforms typical OEM systems and how the plant would recognize gains in availability and fuel efficiency by using both online and offline wash systems.



GTE recommended the GTE400i water wash system that would be required by the MS6001B GT units. It is designed for online & offline applications and operates utilizing demineralized water & OEM approved and environmentally friendly additives. The GTE Water Wash system delivery volume is based on the GT Compressor mass flow rate, and delivered along patented criteria. Performance data was collected from this plant before & after the initial offline water wash on the subject units.



The GTE400i water wash systems were successfully commissioned on both units. The two units recorded an improved recovery of 2. 1% in offline washes. The GTE400i high pressure system is used in a daily online wash program and is shown to greatly slow the decay rate, subsequently extending the length of time between offline washes. This result was very important to the Plant Operator who was running at base load. The payback period for thi s customer was less than 2 months of operation. This site has applied the GTE system without service interruption for 48,000hrs of operation. The subsequent heat rate improvement reduced the plants fuel consumption and emissions.



Robert Burke, Gas Turbine Efficiency

Mgr. Applications Engineer EcoValue™ Product


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